5G and Future Digital Marketing

5G and Future Digital Marketing

With the advent of 5G there has been a lot of buzz and hype around it. And looks like the hype is worth it. Yes, the speed of processing is going to be increased which benefits future digital marketing! Yay!

As the technology word suggests, with every “G” there is something new coming up. This new G is definitely going to put our millennials on the fast track.

Let us just step back a few decades and see the evolution of the “G”s – G is for Generation:

1G – Mobile Phones – 1980s
2G – SMS or Phone Texting – 1990s
3G – Mobile Internet – early 2000s
4G – Mobile Apps – 2008
5G – Bringing Connected Devices

5G is expected to connect 70 Billion devices by 2025. It is going to expand its reach to multiple devices and Internet of Things, Wearable technology, retail commerce, connected homes and appliances, connected vehicles, decentralized distribution of data etc.

Impact on future digital marketing

The question comes on what would be its impact on marketing?

The dynamics of marketing is going to change. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

• Real-time analytics is going to drive the marketing strategies.
• Marketing for clusters – people with similar demographics, sociographic, geographics and psychographics shall be grouped and targeted.
• Interactive advertising
• Personalized Marketing
• AR/VR based user experience driven marketing.

5G and Digital Marketing

Real-time data analytics:

With the devices connected to each other, there is a huge data that is going to be generated every second. The precision with which this data can be analyzed to deliver the best service to the customer is a challenge.  The faster the reach, sooner the conversions.

Marketing for clusters:

With 4G we see all the apps, web devices etc., are existing, but not connected. With 5G all the devices including your smart phone, TV, Cars, Home automation systems etc., will be connected. A huge data potential is awaiting the output of 5G revolution. Customers are currently segmented only based on demographics and psychographics. But the segmentation will go a little more deeper to connect geographies, sociographies as well. Future digital marketing will see the cluster audiences, who may have high demand for a particular product of services.

Interactive advertising:

Current advertisements which are instructional in nature and are one to many, is going to change. It is going to take the form of many to many. With already chatbots on the cards, most of the businesses have adopted for remote assistance for their customers. With interactive advertisements, it will get more specific with gamification and user engagement.

Personalized marketing:

While cluster marketing will focus on detailed market segmentation based on demographics, sociographics, psychographics and geographic factors, an in-detail personalization will be the new norm. This is to enable the customers with right products and quicker buy/sell decisions.

AR/VR based user experience driven marketing:

AR/VR has currently entered into educational, real-estate segments. There is a rapid expansion expected in healthcare, industrial automation and retail segments. Virtual reality shall enable the users to walkthrough a journey and experience the product/service, before making a buying decision. Video based marketing has already started, and adding AR/VR experience will just make it more realistic.

Be ready to explore the new marketing trends that 5G is going to bring. Start exploring more about how you can add value to customers. User Experience driven marketing will be a game changer once 5G is in.

The conclusion:

Digital Marketing certainly will not be same as today. Markets are quickly adapting to technology and change. Be ready to take advantage of 5G network. Stay ahead of the Game!

5G is expected to connect, GSMA

Five Easy Ways to Grow your Remarketing Ad Campaigns

Five Easy Ways to Grow your Remarketing Ad Campaigns

Well, before we begin, let me ask you a question.  Let us say, you go out to buy some clothes.  Would you look for your favorite brands and stores already known to you, or go for new ones?  If it is me, I might at times try new ones, but when I go to the store that I already visited, there are more chances that I would end up my purchase there without having to visit another.  And that’s exactly why remarketing ad services are a hit.  Typically, all businesses work towards remarketing ads to improve their flow.

How are remarketing ads helpful?

While marketing is aimed at the whole set of people, remarketing is aimed only at an audience who already knows you.  They have either done business with you earlier or at least have known of your existence and browsed through your range of products.  Hence it is more likely that they would convert to your customers if you connect with them again.

How to go about remarketing ad campaign?

Digital marketing agencies provide remarketing services through different channels.  You can remarket your products and services pretty much on the same platform where you did the initial marketing.  This includes video marketing on YouTube, publishing ads on Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc, search engines like Google, and others.

Google Ads, which was earlier called as Google Adwords, is one of the best tools for remarketing.  This platform allows advertisers to bid on particular keywords to let their ads appear on the Google search results page.  These ads let the viewers click on them, and the advertiser pays Google for each click they get.

Easy Ways to increase remarketing ad campaigns

Easy ways to increase remarketing ad campaigns

1. Select the audience to whom you want to remarket your services

Since remarketing is all about getting back people who are already introduced to your business, you need to separate these people from the rest of the crowd.  You can do this by analyzing your website or Facebook page with tools like Google Analytics.  For example, if you have earlier posted a three-minute video advertisement, people who came across it could be divided into three types.

  • People who simply scrolled without watching it
  • Those who watched the video for 30 seconds or less
  • Those who watched the video for a while and clicked on the next step like viewing your products, or looking at your customer support number.

Here you would not consider remarketing ads to the first section of people.  And you would not ignore people in the second and third categories, as they have shown considerable interest in your business.  But they postponed the purchase for some reason.  To them you would display your ads again, and again, seeing which, there are chances that they get back to you.

2. Keep a tab of people who visited the web-pages of your competitors

Do not feel low if you get to know that there are a lot of people who have visited the website of your competitor and not yours.  This is good news too.  Because this makes it obvious that those people are interested in the same niche of products and services that you offer, though they might not have come across your business.  You can simply advertise your services to them based on their likes and comments on your competitor’s website.  And what’s more!  Possibly, most of them could turn to you if they discover that you have something better to offer.  This is also a hack in remarketing ads as you are targeting people who are interested in your field.

3. Show customized ads

Now that your select audience already knows your business, you do not have to display introductory ads to them.  You might have already placed cookies that monitor what exactly they check for on your webpage.  Based on this information, you can display ads containing products that match their search.  This helps you connect to them well as you save their search time and rekindles their interest in your business.

4. Offer brief giveaways to your customers for a specific duration

There could have been people who created an account in your website earlier, or installed your app in their mobile.  They could have saved some products in their shopping cart, but finally checked out without completing the purchase.  If they reached this point, it shows that they almost made up their mind to make a purchase, but skipped for some reason.

You do not want to miss out on such highly possible conversions in the last second, right?  It is time to get back their attention with pop-up reminders, emails, like “You left these beauties in your shopping cart”, etc.  You can make them rethink the purchase with exciting offers like “30 percent off on your cart, offer valid only for today”, Most of these customers would not miss the deal.  Even if they do, they would still come back to your website another day to check any more offers you might offer.

5. Calculate the cost per conversion and adjust the cost per click

After all the efforts you put in to make your remarketing ad campaign soar rocket-high, you need to calculate to see how far it has been successful. The budget tools available in Google Ads can help you figure out how much you have been paying per click on an average. You can calculate as follows.

For example, if you display your ad 1000 times, out of which 20 times it has been clicked, and further only 1 conversion was done. And you paid $2 towards the cost per click. Then the total amount that cost you for your conversion is (20 clicks * $2 =) $40.

If your profit arising from that one conversion is way higher than this $40, then you should be willing to pay more cost per click.  This makes your ad gets displayed more times and you can get more conversions within your affordable budget. This way your remarketing ad campaign gets a big boost.

Do not worry if your cost per click goes up high here, because ultimately your cost per conversion is very low when compared to your profit margin. You need to calculate this way.

Easy Ways to increase remarketing ad campaigns - quote

We are here to help

I have listed out the easiest and the most effective ways to grow your remarketing ad campaigns.  If you need professional services to assist you in this job, you may reach us at contactus@kloudportal.com.

Google Ads, Google Ads

Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies

Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies

When you construct a building, would you lay each brick yourself? Would you paint each wall by yourself? No, right?

Then how could you attempt to take care of each angle of your business, like content writing, keyword research, backlink building, etc, all by yourself?

Just like how different stages of construction are done by different people, different dimensions of your business are also taken care of by different services.  All these services are provided by professional digital marketing agencies.  You need to delegate the marketing area of your business to the people who best do the job.  Here are 5 best digital marketing companies you can look up to.

5 Best Digital Marketing Agencies

5 Best digital marketing agencies


This online marketing company offers services broadly divided into the following categories: SEO & Revenue Generation and Content & Analytics. SEO services focus mainly on enhancing the ranking of your business on search engine pages. Content & Analytics services include providing personalized content for the website, social media advertising, website call tracking, and many more.  WebFx provides services for complete web designing services and website maintenance as well.

Infinity reach:

This company specializes in digital marketing through online advertising, Google adverts, analytics, and more.  Also, they are also a creative agency that provides creative content and design for your website along with search engine optimization services.  Web designing, mobile app management, IT services, and solutions, etc are some of the other services they provide.  Infinity Reach has its focus mainly on small businesses who need to establish a niche for themselves in the world of digital marketing.


This is a company tat works on promoting your brand.  It provides services in the field of web analytics, website designing, search engine optimization, and PPC (Pay Per Click).

Digimarkagency provides a free SEO analysis report of your business to let you know where it stands.


Among the many digital marketing companies available, it becomes difficult to choose the right one.  However, Ibrandlabs is one of the best digital marketing companies that take your business ahead of competitors in reaching business goals. In the area of branding your business, marketing, and improving sales, IbrandLabs works best to serve you.  They use several strategies in digital marketing with numerous highly specialized software solutions to offer the best services, at an affordable price.

You can, therefore, rely on their services to watch your business grow.


Building a website is the first step in making the online presence of your business.  And the second step is to make it visible in search engine results, which is to gain a high search engine ranking for it. But, it often becomes tedious to take these two steps separately. Instead, how would it be to optimize your website for the search engine, in the initial step itself, while the website is still being built? KloudPortal is one of those reliable digital marketing agencies that provide the best of the services your business needs.

5 Best Digital Marketing Agencies - Quote

I hope this helps you to make the right choice!

WebFx, WebFX
Infinity Reach, Infinity Reach
Digimarkagency, Digi Mark
Ibrandlabs, iBrandLabs

Essential Tools for Digital Marketing

Essential Tools for Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a step-by-step process.  There are various stages involved.

Stages in digital marketing:

  • Create a website to display your products and services.
  • Make your business visible to a large set of audience.
  • Connect your business to people who need, that is, a set of a target audience.

Here is where digital marketing tools play an important role.

SEO services make use of some powerful SEO tools that provide a variety of solutions to suit your marketing needs.  While some of the features offered in these SEO tools are available free of cost, most of the personalized features are paid services.  Let us have a look.

Tools used in Digital Marketing

Tools used in digital marketing

SEM Rush:

It assists in keyword analysis, ad management campaigns, SEO audit of your website, providing backlinks, and a lot more.  SEMRush also helps in content management.  Especially it has a sub tool that helps in a detailed analysis of the number of results displayed by the search engines when users search with a particular keyword.  By this, you can decide which keyword fetches more visibility for your business.


Ahrefs’ WordPress SEO Plugin is primarily used in content management.  It helps in monitoring the backlinks used in your website by combining the plugin data with Google Analytics to provide recommendations for content on your webpage.  Users find Ahrefs easier to use than SEM Rush, as it provides more easy-to-read information.  It gives a clear estimate of the required number of backlinks to rank a specific keyword, which is very useful.


Ubersuggest is an extension of Google Chrome which is free of cost and can be installed easily.  It is available in web format too.  This digital marketing tool provides the SEO metrics related to your search phrase in Google and displays the results straight on the Google search page.  You can get a detailed analysis of metrics like how many times your key phrase has been used in the last 12 months while searching, what age group people search for it, how much percent of SEO links it gets, etc.  Domain scores and backlinks are also analyzed.

Ubersuggest is especially useful for website owners looking to improve their SEO score, sales professionals, and freelancers.


Once you prepare content for your website, you need to provide effective backlinks.  Backlinks are very important from an SEO perspective, as they certify the authenticity of the content present on your website by providing its source.  This source, however, needs to be a genuine website and not a fake one.  WebMeUp is one of the best back-link providing tools that small business owners use to enhance their online presence.

WebMeUp helps to evaluate the link profile of your business to eliminate any risky links.  It downloads and acquires the links of your competitor sites too.

Screaming Frog:

There could be times when your website faces poor ranking despite implementing all SEO strategies.  This is when a technical audit of the website is required, to find out the overall issues that prevent its ranking.   Screaming Frog is a digital marketing tool that excels in this task, along with providing all other SEO services.  This tool is a website crawler that works on various operating systems like Windows, MacOS, and Ubuntu.  We can find a detailed user guide that contains basic instructions right from installing the software on your OS to how to use it for crawling into subdomains, XML sitemaps, images, external links, and a lot more.


WebCEO is a cloud-based platform designed to satisfy the SEO needs of small businesses and large SEO agencies. WebCEO provides full-fledged SEO tools for:

Keyword research
SEO audits
Landing page optimization
Rank tracking
Backlink quality check
Internal link building
Social media analytics
Content submission
Competition analysis


As the name suggests, this SEO tool helps in identifying new keywords.  The fundamental point in marketing is to present your services to people in a language that they understand.  For this, it is necessary to use the right terms that match their search phrases.  Keywordtool.io helps in discovering the right keywords that people use, to search on the internet for what they needed.

This digital marketing tool provides long-tail keywords using Google Autocomplete. This tool has a free version that provides more than 750 keyword suggestions instantly.  You may choose the keyword in the language of your choice.  The paid advanced version named Keyword Tool Pro that offers double the number of keywords provided by the free version.


Moz provides capable SEO software for each of your business needs.  Its tool named Moz Pro helps with all the basic digital marketing strategies like keyword research, competitive analysis, the audit of your website, link building, etc.  For checking the accuracy of your business listings, deleting duplicate listings, and monitor and enhancing your online presence, Moz Local helps.

A set of tools called Moz Analytics various SEO features that takes your business ahead in SERP ranking.  They also offer a free training program that trains you on SEO basics.

Tools used in Digital Marketing - Quote

Digital marketing agencies make use of various tools like the above-mentioned, to improve the visibility of your business.  At KloudPortal, we make use of the best tools to give you the best output.   Do contact us at contactus@kloudportal.com for more information.

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for my Business?

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for my Business?

By Priyamvada B

Business runs on marketing. Digital marketing strategies have assumed an important role. Tools in digital Marketing have replaced traditional marketing methods like advertising on television and newspapers. Now the need of the hour is to make your business visible on search engines and social media to garner a lot of onlookers. The following are the best digital marketing strategies that work for any business. Who can better do it than an experienced Digital marketing agency!

Best  Digital Marketing Strategies

Best digital marketing strategies:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Video marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Content Marketing

Search engine optimization:

Most businesses have websites with an awesome design, and if you think visitors will come just like that, then you are wrong. There are hundreds of websites in your niche and are increasing every day. So how can visitors come to your website when they search for the keywords relevant to your business? The answer is search engine optimization (SEO).  SEO brings your website to the top page of search engines when searched with the keywords.

Voice SEO:

Voice SEO is gaining mileage because users feel it more convenient to speak with an assistant than to type. The optimization of keywords and keyword phrases for searches using voice assistants (For ex: Alexa, Siri) is voice SEO.

Video marketing:

Not everyone is good at reading the content. Some people might understand things better when it is visual than textual. You don’t want to miss out on leads from that section of the audience, right? Try posting videos on popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, etc, showing how to use your products, as suggestions to people’s questions.

Social media marketing:

It is a well-known fact that people are spending more time on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat. Do you want to grab the attention of social media users? Social media marketing is a tool to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. How is it done?

  • Publishing great content on your social media profiles
  • Understanding and engaging your followers
  • Analysing your results
  • Running social media advertisements.

Mobile marketing:

Mobile marketing is a strategy aimed at reaching a target audience of mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and/or other mobile devices.  It is done via websites, email, SMS and MMS, social media, and other apps.

Do you know? 51 percent of internet traffic is generated on mobile phones.  Therefore you need to make your web page mobile-friendly. Also, you may create adverts that are suitable for mobile browsing.

Search engine marketing:

This is a digital marketing strategy that displays paid ads to a selected audience. The targeted users can view the ads in just a few clicks and hence gives instant results in terms of generating leads. This is an advantage because you can immediately analyse the results and make changes in the ad as suited to the audience. Search Engine Marketing helps to drive traffic to your site as well as market your services. 

Content Marketing is no longer a numbers game. it’s a game of relevance

Content marketing:

One of the best ways to market your business is content marketing. Add appropriate content to your website, blogs which not only appeal to the needy users in search of questions like “What” and “How to”, but also show them your products as a solution. Content helps the audience in

  • Awareness
  • Research
  • Consideration
  • Buy

Content marketing provides additional benefits that support other digital marketing channels.

In conclusion

In short, the ultimate principle of digital marketing is to help your business connect with audiences who are in need. Using the right digital marketing strategies help to grow your business with the existing customer base and also, to add new prospects. If you are looking for digital marketing services write to us at contactus@kloudportal.com. KloudPortal is the best digital marketing company that is well versed with all digital marketing strategies.

How Online Marketing Strategy is Right for your Business

How Online Marketing Strategy is Right for your Business

By Priyamvada B

Online marketing services are in great demand these days.  These services help to make your business more visible, transparent, easily accessible, and ready to connect with your customers who are searching for them online. These strategies used by an online marketing agency helps create visibility for your business.

Why opt for an online marketing agency?

Every business is launched with products or services or both.

Once you have established your business, the next important question is how to make these products and services accessible to the customers who are looking for them?

Gone are the days when you approach each consumer individually door-to-door. Now it is through social media and mass communication that things work out. You can reach each customer individually taking advantage of their social media presence, educating them about what value your products and services can add to them or their business.

Social media is a powerful tool to reach out to most people in a short time. The presence of your business online is indeed important. Hence, today, the best strategy to follow in your business is to approach a good digital marketing agency who can help you on marketing your business.

Online marketing Strategy Is it right for your Business?

Services offered by an online marketing agency

Major services include:

A research conducted by Pymnts shows that more than 80 percent of the consumers today consider search engines to enquire about the services they need.  This means that businesses that utilize the services of an online marketing company have the chance of being visible to 80 percent of the consumer population.  Aren’t these services helpful for your business?

Services Offered by Online Marketing Agencies

Opportunities in digital marketing

The digital marketing industry is continually evolving.  The increasing number of social media platforms creates more and more opportunities for your business to be marketed.

The challenge of every business lies in identifying the audience who look out for particular products and services.  A professional digital marketing agency helps in identifying the audience who needs your business.  They help you focus your products and market them to the targeted audience.  This, in turn, generates leads.

You can notify people of your products and services by posting an advert, or creating a link.  The link could direct readers to your website. This helps to generate more traffic to your site.  Online marketing agencies also use tools like email marketing and pay per click ad posts along with providing personalized services.

Overall, it is your digital presence that matters most in the generation of leads.  Hence, it is a must to showcase your business ahead of competitors in this area.  Join us at Kloudportal to expand your business in the technically-advanced world. For more details drop us a note at contactus@kloudportal.com.

Online Marketing Strategy - Quote

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