Google’s John Muller Clarifies on Average Position Metric on Google Search Console.

Google’s John Muller Clarifies on Average Position Metric on Google Search Console.

We recently conducted a short research on Search Engine Ranking positions. We did a manual search and found that few of our pages were ranking in the first 10 positions in Google Search Rankings. We were really happy that our website was coming up in the top ten positions on Google’s SERP. But that happiness was short lived, as we did find that our Google Search Console was speaking something else.

Google Search Console and Active Position Metrics
Our Google Search Console showed our average position to be somewhere around 65.6 one day, 56.9 on another day and 40 on another day. We were wondering if the Active Positions Metric on GSC was true and believable.

In a recent video posted by Google’s #AskGoogleBot series, luckily John Muller answered this question for us.

As per Google, the active position could vary based on several parameters which include Geo targeting, personalization or because of a short and sharp visibility which was brief. Also, John Muller clarified that the results on active position are for real and are based on real-time statistics and not just theoretical results.

If a website has multiple URLs indexed on Google and ranked at different positions, then Google considered the least ranked position when calculating the Average position. So when we manually check, we don’t see the URL appearing in the same poistion everytime. Hence the average position metric changes as well.

Sometimes we also observe that certain keywords display significantly less impressions, which we do not expect. Since it could be a high ranking keyword, your URLs visibility could have short lived among other URLs, and could be the reason for low visibility statistics.

The Average position metric also considers the search results in images as well.
Hence the role of alt tags on a website should never be ignored.

In conclusion, we can say that the Active position on the Google Search Console is actually based on the actual search results, when people search for something and find your website. Hence keywords, alt tags, meta descriptions and several on-page and off page parameters play a significant role in your active position metric.

Here is what John Muller said in his recent video addressing the GSC’s active position metric

Link Building – The Core Technique In Search Engine Optimization

Link Building – The Core Technique In Search Engine Optimization

Searching Engine Optimization has been fascinating us for a long time. There are an estimated 1.78 billion websites on the internet. Helping the google bots crawl and index these websites and the trillions and trillions of web pages on these websites is so fun and enticing.
There are more than thirty SEO techniques that are followed when it comes to search engine optimization. These techniques when followed can achieve ranking results. However, the duration in which a website can be ranked on Google certainly depends on several factors like keyword search volume, keyword ranking, competitor keyword analysis, link building, domain authority, page authority, blogs, articles, etc.,
Many SEO agencies follow a few techniques and finally get lesser results. In fact, some end up getting no results at all. We have worked with many clients thus far, and we have strategically followed our techniques to achieve the results. And we proudly boast about achieving the results which addressed our customer’s pain points like ranking on google search results, digital branding, and digital visibility. Few of our clients are happy with the indirect benefits that they received, which include more walk-ins, more orders, and substantial enquiries they receive on a daily basis.
When it comes to SEO link building there are three major types of links that we come across – Inbound Links (Backlinks – Link Building), Outbound Links, and Internal Links.
Link building has been one of the common techniques we follow for many of our clients. Link building includes – backlink submissions, guest blogging, bookmarking submissions, etc.,
Is there a strategy behind link building? How to achieve better results with link building? How can your link building be more effective?
There are many link building websites that offer you the ability to submit links. But are all these websites correct for you/your business? What are the parameters you should look for when executing link building strategies?

Here are the top SIX tips for you to achieve SEO results through Link Building:

  1. Domain Authority
  2. Business Relevance
  3. Appropriate Anchor Text
  4. Do Follow Vs No Follow
  5. Link Placement
  6. Destination URL

Tips to achieve SEO results through Link Building

Domain Authority

If you are following link building techniques as part of SEO, searching for social bookmarking websites on google is a good way to start with. But choosing the right submission sites is very crucial for the quality of submissions. We suggest you choose a website that has a higher domain authority than your current website.

Business Relevance

As a digital marketer, it is very important to understand our client’s business first. We then go about identifying their needs and expectations, before we start with the strategy of link building. Identifying the websites with higher domain authority and having a business relevance is the key to successful results.

Appropriate Anchor Text

While identifying the right domain and business relevant, putting in the business specific anchor text decides whether the link will get approved or not. Hence, having a good, descriptive content as an anchor text, makes the job of a link approver easy and there are high chances of getting an approved back link.

Do Follow Vs No Follow

Even after submitting in hundreds of websites, we fail to increase the number of backlinks in the Google Search console. And when the numbers don’t go up, then it becomes a worrying part. When the backlinks that were submitted are not approved, there will be an impact on the number of active visits to the website, enquiries, improvement in domain authority, etc., Hence submitting the links in websites that provide a do-follow link, add value to your submissions.

Link Placement

Many off-page specialists work hours and hours submitting their website links during the link building tasks. While they follow all the guidelines, they still don’t see enough referral-generated traffic on Google Analytics. The reason: Link Placement. Link placement is again a strategic placement of the link during submission. Including the link at the end of the anchor text yields minimum results. Placing the link at the beginning of the text doesn’t add value either. However, including a link in the first 2-3 lines of your anchor text does do justice and derives your expectations. Hence, the right link placements play a crucial role in bringing in traffic to your website.

Destination URL:

Destination URL plays a significant role when the traffic is routed through it. Sometimes a link building executive, could simply follow all the above guidelines and finally insert a link that returns a 404 page. This leads to loss of trust and low credibility in the market, Hence, when we submit our content as part of link building activity, we first list down all the active URLs that are relevant to the business. We then submit the relevant content on the website with the appropriate destination URL. Leading to an engaging content on the destination URL reduces the bounce rates and improves the quality of visits.
Benefits of following the above small tips lead to quality lead generation, enquiries from the right prospects, and lead to right engagement models.
If you are looking for more tips and hacks in marketing, please check out our latest blog on “10 Interesting Hacks That Will Boost Your Engagement On Instagram” or “Importance of Core Web Vitals in Search Rankings Boost”.

Importance of Core Web Vitals in Search Rankings Boost

Importance of Core Web Vitals in Search Rankings Boost

Google’s latest update from its Google Search Center SEO Office Hours indicates the Importance of Core Web Vitals in the Search Rankings Boost of a website.
Here we bring a brief overview about what are these core web vitals and what do they mean for Google’s Search Rankings? If you are looking to design your SEO ready websites, you may also want to check our recent blogs on “Why and How To Get SEO Done Along With Website Redesign?” and “Best Digital Marketing Strategies for my Business?

Google’s Core Web Vitals can be checked on the Google Page Speed Insights page. Google’s Page Speed Insights gives a brief picture of a website’s health. A website’s health is calculated based on six main lighthouse parameters. They are:

  1. First Contentful Paint
  2. Speed Index
  3. Largest Contentful Paint
  4. Time to Interactive
  5. Total Blocking Time
  6. Cumulative Layout Shift

The parameters are currently distributed as below:


Importance of Core Web Vitals in Search Rankings


However, the new update indicates that the new search rankings boost algorithm will consider the following three Core Web Vitals when boosting the search rankings:

  1. LCP – Largest Contentful Paint
    It is the time taken for the largest content (Text or Image) in the viewport to render on the screen. Typically this is indicated as follows:
    0-2.5 seconds – Green (Fast rendering)
    2.5-4 seconds – Orange (Moderate rendering)
    Over 4 seconds – Red (slow)
    This is expected to be in Green for better rankings.
  2. FCP – First Contentful Paint
    This is the time the browser takes to render the first Data Object Model (DOM) content after a user first navigates to our website. Typically Images, SVGs, etc., fall under this type of content.
    Here is the color code as per google page speed insights:
    0-2 seconds → Green
    2-4 seconds → Orange
    Over 4 seconds → Red
    A good FCP score would be less than 100ms.
  3. CLS – Cummulative Layout ShiftThis is the shift in the page layout when the page is still rendering. This occurs when the DOM elements are loaded asynchronously. It is rated as follows:
    0-0.1 → Green – (Good)
    0.1-0.25 → Orange – (Moderate)
    >0.25 → Red (Low)A good CLS score should be 0.1 or less.


Lab Data


The above parameters shall be considered vital for Google Search Rankings boost. However, if a website has all the parameters in Green but doesn’t have a secure protocol with https, it will not be considered for the ranking factor.

It is essential to pay a little attention to these parameters when you are focused on the search engine ranking for your business websites.

John Mueller also indicated that Google is planning to introduce a badge in the search results to indicate those websites that pass the core web vitals. Google seems to have been experimenting quite a bit around these core web vitals and has been thoroughly testing its algorithms scheduled to be released in May this year.

You can watch the full video here:

Top Start-Up Marketing Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make

Top Start-Up Marketing Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make

It takes a lot of research, planning, and analysis to start a new business venture.  And of course, financial investment too.  Every new role requires us to undergo a learning curve to master the job, and so does entrepreneurship.  We all grew up learning that we need to learn through our mistakes.  But marketing mistakes, at times, can be too costly and can cause irreversible loss to the business.  Here are some marketing mistakes that you cannot afford to make.

What are the Top Start-Up Marketing Mistakes to Avoid?

  1. No Unique Selling Proposition
  2. Not Reinventing Business Model
  3. Incomplete Market Research
  4. Not Being on Par with Competitors
  5. Not Adopting Industry Trends
  6. Complete Renovation That Loses the Customers’ Loyalty
  7. Inadequate Market Positioning

Let us look into each of these points in detail.

1. No Unique Selling Proposition:

Marketing is a constant process by which a business survives.  Not just start-ups, this is the case for even the famous brands that sustained the market for a long time.  Improper marketing strategy and lack of a unique selling proposition is one of the biggest marketing mistakes that could cause doom even to the best brand, as it happened with Panasonic in Australia.

Panasonic TVs were the best-selling for two decades, post which they saw a vast dip.  It is because they remained stagnant without endorsing a unique selling proposition for their brand.  The average consumer found no reason to prefer a Panasonic television to other brands.  With no better marketing strategy to regain their lost ground, the tech-giant decided to no longer sell TVs in Australia, as per the news report.

2. Not Reinventing Business Model:

Compaq was a successful start-up in the 1980s and continued successfully into the 1990s.  After merging with Digital Equipment Corporation, Compaq failed to sustain its PC sales due to diverse business interests, with Intel giving it a disadvantage.  With Intel producing chipsets and motherboards that other PC companies and local assemblers used.  It brought down the price of the PCs without letting down the quality, while Compaq computer had AMU CPU with a price above them.  When the quality of two products is nearly the same with a price difference, the customer naturally picks a lower-priced one.  Thus, Compaq sales dipped.

Eventually, Compaq could not survive even after HP acquired it.  A reinvention of the business model, such as outsourcing the chipsets to Intel and lowering the price of PCs, could have perhaps saved the brand.

Start-up businesses need to reinvent their business model periodically.  Overlooking this step is another big marketing mistake that you could make.  What could have worked initially for a start-up business may not work after some time.  For instance, the present times require digital means to bring a more expansive customer base to your business.  An expertized digital marketing agency can help you with your marketing needs.

Top Marketing Mistakes

3. Incomplete Market Research:

Businesses entirely generate revenue from the market, and obviously, could not thrive without complete market research.  The history of Polaroid could better explain this fact.

Polaroid was first found in 1937 in the United States.  Initially, it took off very well, and the cameras were a hit.  There was less competition at that time.  In 1977 Edwin Land introduced Polavision, the instant home movie camera.  While videotaped based systems were becoming popular in the market those days, Polavision failed to appeal to the public.  The sales diminished enormously, and the Polaroid Corporation went bankrupt in 2001.  The company sold off its assets.

Much later, in the 1980s, the company entered the market with videotapes.  It manufactured digital cameras in 1996 but failed to capture the market.  They made scanners and printers in 2000 but faced tough competition from Nikon and Minolta and entered bankruptcy once again.  The shareholder of Impossible Project subsequently took it over.  However, the main reason for the failure of Polaroid is because it failed to assess how digital cameras could impact its film business.  There was no proper market research, and it was one of the most unaffordable marketing mistakes.

4. Not Being on Par with Competitors:

Imagine a top ranker in the class who maintains consistent grades every semester.  The following semester, the second ranker works smartly to push up the scores to surpass the top ranker grades all of a sudden.  The topper now falls to the second position.  There is nothing to do except trying better the next time.

Isn’t it eye-opening for start-ups to see Bill Gates admit that “his greatest mistake ever” was to let go of Android to Google?  Google acquired Android in 2005 and gained a lot of profit.  The major mobile companies today sell products featuring Android, while the top-notch company Microsoft could not sustain the mobile phone market with its Windows OS.

It shows that by not being wary of your competitor’s public moves, you could fall behind.  Resort to digital marketing to bring your business to the face of the world much ahead of your competitors.

5. Not Adopting Industry Trends:

Industry trends change as per the customer’s needs.  It is a failure to rebrand yourself if you do not keep yourself on par with the industry trend because you land up not delivering what the customer wants.

Look at the case study of Sony in the field of mobile phones.  They faced a key dip in sales from 13.5 million units in 2017 to 5 million units in 2019.  The reason is that Sony mobile failed to incorporate the trend of the day.  Sleek design, a camera of high resolution, huge memory, regular software updates, and competitive pricing are some of the features it missed on.  It made no sense for the average customer to invest a high price in a mobile that had no concurrent features.  When the customer’s needs are not met, it turns out to be a lost battle. A costly mistake, isn’t it?

Consumers today find it all the more convenient to purchase online from the comfort of their homes.  Especially the present environment of the global pandemic has confined the world to stay at home.  It would be wiser to adopt the industry trend and go digital in your marketing strategy if you have not already done.

6.  Complete Renovation That Loses the Customers’ Loyalty

While some businesses fail to adopt the industry trends, few others make vast changes to their branding to impress the consumers.  Unfortunately, the renovation could change its brand image, and it may not sink well with their customers, as in the case of Gap.

It was in 2010 that Gap, the clothing brand, changed its iconic logo.  Customers who were loyal to the brand for several years could not appreciate it.  It is the product and the business model that needs constant upgrading and not the logo through which customers bond with a brand.  Just within six days, the company realized that it made a big marketing mistake and went back to the previous logo.

GAP logo change

7. Inadequate Market Positioning:

When you release a product into the market, your sales pitch goes high only when the product appeals to your target audience.  Your marketing strategy should focus on how you position your product based on the customer’s need, product price, product quality, and product use.

Inadequate market positioning was one of the reasons for the highly innovative and successful sportswear brand Nike to fail in India and China.  Nike aimed to provide a premium product with highly comfortable athletic wear.  While sportswear is an everyday essential in cold weather countries, in India, it is a different scenario.  The temperature is warm, and the majority of the population did not essentially need a high-budget premium product for occasional formal sports events.  The company had to shut down several stores as it saw a low return on investment.

What Can I Learn From the Marketing Mistakes That Top Brands Made?

By studying the success and failure stories of several leading brands, entrepreneurs can gain better exposure to analyze where their business marketing is going wrong.  You can always find an opportunity to do better, letting your start-up marketing mistakes make you wiser.  No one is perfect and even the best brands make a wrong leap at times.  Courage is all that it takes to stand up and rise again.  You may take the help of a qualified digital marketing agency to bring your business to the needy clients, and stand as an example of a successful entrepreneur.

Marketing Quote

Provide Us With an Opportunity to Serve You

At KloudPortal, we continually strive to create an effective marketing strategy to give a boost to your sales through digital means.  Over the years, we have helped many customers to establish a foothold in the market.  Would you like to be the next business we serve?  Contact us today with your marketing needs and get a business quote.

What do you need to know about Digital Marketing for your business?

What do you need to know about Digital Marketing for your business?

Do you want to understand what SEO is?
Are you looking to get started with SEO and know more about it?
Confused with a lot of information and not sure what SEO is and where to start?
Will SEO help your business grow?

These could be a few questions that must be hovering in your mind. which may be the very reason you have landed on this blog. Your search ends here…as with this article we will help you understand what is SEO and how it can help small businesses like yours.

Search Engine Optimization is educating search engines to know the existence of your website and its contents. Once a search engine records your website’s existence and its contents, all the details are stored in their unique database. So whenever your customers search for any service that you provide, the system searches in the database and displays the search results.
This happens in a fraction of seconds as you can see in the screenshot.

SEO AgencyThere are close to 1.74 billion websites across the world. Every website has content on it. And search engines typically crawl only those websites which are recorded in its database.

When it comes to search engine optimization, most of the focus is only on Google Search Engine as it dominates the search traffic. There are other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, AOL, Naver, Yandex, Baidu, Ecosia, Sogou, and Shenma etc, whose market share is represented below. It which clearly shows that Google is not just the most used, but it dominates the search.

Search Engine Marketing Share, 2020Google became the king of search engines, as it keeps itself updated with people and their search behavior. Hence it is very essential to keep your website updated as per Google search engine needs.

Why is SEO important?

Well, we come across this question from most of our prospects who are just entering the digital world and launching their first website. And here is the answer.

SEO not only helps you to rank on Google but helps you create global visibility, improves sales and builds trust. When your customers find you on Google, they are highly likely to reach you for your products and services. Hence SEO becomes the most important step right after you have your website on the internet.

What is SERP in SEO?

There are a humongous number of websites on the internet, waiting to be displayed in the search results. Search engines need a measure based on which they decide which websites should be displayed first. And there should be a reason or a measure of why a website is displayed first. That is where Google introduced the concept of Search Engine Result Pages on its search engine. SERP basically indicates the position of a website in Google’s search results.

Five key items on your digital marketing checklistHere are a few things you must know to rank your website on Google:

STEP 1: Keep Google educated about your products and services through your website.

“How do I keep my website updated every time, so Google knows it?”

This is a general question that we at KloudPortal answer for most of our clients.

Developing a website, doesn’t mean Google will know that the website exists. Many of our customers initially thought this was the case. We at Kloudportal educated them that there are a set of tasks that are to be done, which invite the Google bots to crawl the pages of the website and record their existence. Typically these tasks come under On-Page SEO.

What is On-Page SEO?

For a website to be crawled by the Google search engine bots, the website should follow a few basic guidelines. Here are the top 10 guidelines to be followed:

  • A website should have unique content
  • Optimize the speed of the website. Make sure it loads in less than 3 seconds. Make sure to work with a reliable server provider like OVH, Bigrock, Hostgator etc., to ensure your website is never facing any downtime.
  • Ensure the website has accelerated mobile pages. This is a recent parameter that was introduced by Google.
  • Add content regularly to your website. Update blogs every week and add valuable content for your subscribers and website visitors.
  • Update your sitemap.xml
  • Canonicalization of URLs
  • Javascript Minifications
  • Robots.txt file update
  • Keywords, Meta Titles and Descriptions on each of the pages
  • Image optimization

There are close to 25 steps other than the top ten stated above, for on-page SEO to be completed. Setting up your on-page SEO helps Google in indexing your website pages. However, this alone isn’t sufficient to rank your website on Google.

Google’s PageSpeed Insights is the best place to get a picture of how your website is performing.

You have completed step 1? Searched yourself on Google with the keywords? And your website doesn’t show up? Wondering why it still doesn’t show up? You are too early assessing the power of search engine, my friend.

Here is the next step:

STEP 2: Educate Google by putting your website in other visible places.

Didn’t get it?
Never mind!
Marketing is all about telling the World “I exist”.
It is not at one place that you should say you exist, but it should be at different places as well.
For example, if I own a store and I keep hoarding in front of my store, that itself isn’t enough to drive the people to come to my store. My store should be visible to my prospects and customers where they are searching and also where they may not be searching. So pamphlets, hoardings etc., play an important role. The same applies to digital marketing and SEO.

So the technique of educating Google about your existence through various other places is called Off-Page SEO.

What do we do in off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is all about submissions, backlinks and driving traffic to your website. How do we do that?
Here are a few technical steps we follow:

  • Identify the right keywords for your website.
    We do this with the help of Google Keyword Planner tool or Uber Suggest.
  • Identify the right bookmarking sites.
  • Submit our websites in
    Classified websites,
    Directory submissions,
    Create PPTs, White Papers etc., and submit them regularly.

Another important step to generating backlinks is through content marketing. I shall be covering that in the next step in detail.

SEO is all about consistency, persistence and quality.

“How long does it take to have my website visible on Google Search Results?”
This is another question that we hear from our customers. And trust me there is no single answer for this question. It depends on many factors. However the key is to be consistently producing the content and keep submitting to the authority websites.

Step 3: Content Marketing

Content writing is the key to content marketing. Writing the right content that your customer could be searching for, is always a challenge. We at KloudPortal mostly work with doctors and healthcare professionals for their digital marketing needs. After thorough research and analyzing the SERPs we understood that a search on Google uses the very basic terms and not the medical jargon. Doctors were amazed by the results when we showed them how the customers were searching for their services.

Presenting the content in the most readable and understandable manner is important to produce effective content. Here are a few best practices for effective content writing:

  • Keep the sentences short, simple and meaningful.
  • Adopt a conversational style rather than an informational style of writing.
  • Back your content with the right statistics.
  • Make your content Voice SEO friendly.
  • Make sure to add relevant keywords and have them in the right proportions. Over-optimization with keywords is not a good practice.
  • Most importantly, don’t forget that your E-mail is also a content marketing tool.
    Content not always needs to be text or Images, videos also play a vital role in marketing nowadays. Video marketing, especially self-made videos, is gaining traction.

Step 4: Social Media Marketing:

Social media is a marketing messiah. The way social media attracts and glues up the audience, itself makes it great leverage for businesses. While Facebook, Instagram and Youtube engage the masses, professional networks like LinkedIn and Opportunity have more B2B audiences.

While Facebook, Insta, LinkedIn, Pinterest give a platform for social engagement of the audience, we cannot forget the discussion platforms like Quora, which engages few more..

We at KloudPortal suggest our clients with the appropriate Social Media Channels for their Digital Marketing engagements. We sincerely believe in narrowing down the target audience and then suggest the marketing plan. We follow a structured process and a strategic approach. Most of our marketing plans are equipped with mitigation steps. This keeps the risk under the client’s control and ensures effective spend on marketing activities.

STEP 5: Press Releases

Occasional Press Releases about your latest activities help drive traffic to your website. Typically press releases every 6 months will not only help in building the traffic to the website but also get you the necessary backlinks you may need to build the domain authority for your website. Domain authority is one of the key ranking parameters in SEO.
Press Releases could be for the company or for your CEO, who can build a brand and drive traffic to the websites.

When it comes to PR, we consider the strategic placement of resources out there, so maximum leverage can be applied. Our Digital personal PR plans, Corporate marketing strategies and brand building activities have helped businesses to gain very good visibility in the market.

If you would like to know more about us and our services, please don’t hesitate to fill the form. We shall be glad to get in touch with you!

Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services: What It Is & Why You Need

Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services: What It Is & Why You Need

“Oh, no! Not again!” Pamela exclaimed while reviewing the Google Analytics report for her courier service business. “Very few conversions in the past few months! And not a single customer review!” “Mama, why are you bothered about reviews?” Asked her ten-year-old son. “Because it matters. Beyond all the hard work you put in to deliver the best service, business runs on online reputation management. People hesitate to buy what is unknown and new, but easily purchase what is known and popular. Just like the way you purchase a known and favorite brand of chocolate in preference to a new one.” Pamela replied calmly.

There are hundreds of entrepreneurs like Pamela who do the best they can to deliver efficient customer service but still struggle to get clients and recognition.  Are you one of them?  Take a close look at the digital footprint of your business.  You would know where you are lacking.

That is why ORM servicesare in demand. It is what establishes a business as a brand known to everyone.

What is Online Reputation Management?  How do ORM Services Help?

It is all about how people view your business and what they think about it when they come across it online.  For instance, consider Apple smartphones and i-pads.  When people view the brand name Apple anywhere on the internet, whether they purchase or not, they know it is a brand they can trust.  If there is a lesser-known brand in electronics, people could have different opinions regarding it.

Entrepreneurs may have different goals regarding online reputation management.  Some people choose to be a brand well reputed for product quality.  Some might want a reputation for delivering the best customer service.  Yet there could be another business that wants to establish itself as an authority in its niche.  Before you work towards your online reputation management, consider your reputation goal.

Digital marketing agencies provide Online reputation management services (ORM services) to create more awareness of your business and establish your business as a brand.  Public platforms like social media are an ideal source to know, analyze, and enhance your business reputation.

Which platforms affect the online reputation of my business?

There are different types of online sources that help you to determine the digital reputation of your business.

    • Social media sites

      Of course, you would probably not miss out on monitoring this platform to check the ORM of your business, as you pay to digital marketing companies to manage ads and campaigns on social media.  You would not miss the web traffic and conversions you gain through these channels. 

    • Unpaid sites / blogs

      While backlinks to your website connect another page’s information to yours, unpaid sites just mention about your business in their web content, like the way we mentioned Apple in this blog earlier.  Though you do not pay these websites/ blogs to talk about your business, you can track them to know in what context your business name is being used, as it affects your online reputation. 

    • The Content you Publish

      Publishing your own blogs, webpages, and videos to talk about your own business is always a great way of marking your online presence.  In this way, you can attempt to create awareness of your brand on your own.  The blogs and posts you publish online would also contribute to your online credibility.

Business Reputation quote

Which tools can help to monitor the online reputation of my business?

It is the best practice of every entrepreneur to know what information is being published online regarding their business. Here are some good tools to track this information.

    • Alerts: It monitors all content from Google regarding your business and provides you with alerts regarding any content published concerning it.
    • Talkwalker Alerts: This tool is similar to Google Alerts and gives pretty much similar information.
    • The Brand Grader: The Brand Grader gives the details of which websites/ blogs mentioned the name of your business/ website in the last four weeks.
    • Go Fish Digital: This is a good tool to track the negative reviews you might have received online.
    • Twitter Analytics: Want to know how well your tweets have been going with the public and the likes and engagements it has been gaining? Then do not miss out on this tool to get the numbers.
Tips - Online Reputation Management

General tips for the betterment of your online reputation management

  • Be genuine at your work:  Firstly, be genuine in your work and deliver the best of your products and services.  Gaining a reputation becomes far from reality if the quality of your products and services is not good.
  • Publish valuable content:  Publish a clear, readable, informative content that the reader finds beneficial.
  • Refrain from giving confidential details:  Do not let any confidential information, either of your business or others, leak through the content you publish.  It shows a lack of professionalism.
  • Maintain active social media accounts:  Inactive accounts indicate that your business is inactive too!
  • Value and respect your clients:  Acknowledge their feedback and reviews.  If you receive negative feedback, work towards making the situation better for them to the extent possible.
  • Not just an online reputation, ensure that you have a great offline reputation as well

Start your business online reputation management today

The earlier you begin, the easier it becomes to manage the fame of your business.  Reach us at to avail our ORM services for your business today!

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Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways: To personalize your experience (your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs) To improve our website (we continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you) To improve customer service (your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs) To process transactions Your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested. To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature To send periodic emails The email address you provide for order processing, will only be used to send you information and updates pertaining to your order.

How do we protect your information?

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information. We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our Payment gateway providers database only to be accessible by those authorized with special access rights to such systems, and are required to?keep the information confidential. After a transaction, your private information (credit cards, social security numbers, financials, etc.) will not be kept on file for more than 60 days.

Do we use cookies?

Yes (Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computers hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables the sites or service providers systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information We use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart, understand and save your preferences for future visits, keep track of advertisements and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may contract with third-party service providers to assist us in better understanding our site visitors. These service providers are not permitted to use the information collected on our behalf except to help us conduct and improve our business. If you prefer, you can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies via your browser settings. Like most websites, if you turn your cookies off, some of our services may not function properly. However, you can still place orders by contacting customer service. Google Analytics We use Google Analytics on our sites for anonymous reporting of site usage and for advertising on the site. If you would like to opt-out of Google Analytics monitoring your behaviour on our sites please use this link (

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.


The minimum information we need to register you is your name, email address and a password. We will ask you more questions for different services, including sales promotions. Unless we say otherwise, you have to answer all the registration questions. We may also ask some other, voluntary questions during registration for certain services (for example, professional networks) so we can gain a clearer understanding of who you are. This also allows us to personalise services for you. To assist us in our marketing, in addition to the data that you provide to us if you register, we may also obtain data from trusted third parties to help us understand what you might be interested in. This ‘profiling’ information is produced from a variety of sources, including publicly available data (such as the electoral roll) or from sources such as surveys and polls where you have given your permission for your data to be shared. You can choose not to have such data shared with the Guardian from these sources by logging into your account and changing the settings in the privacy section. After you have registered, and with your permission, we may send you emails we think may interest you. Newsletters may be personalised based on what you have been reading on At any time you can decide not to receive these emails and will be able to ‘unsubscribe’. Logging in using social networking credentials If you log-in to our sites using a Facebook log-in, you are granting permission to Facebook to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth and location which will then be used to form a Guardian identity. You can also use your picture from Facebook as part of your profile. This will also allow us and Facebook to share your, networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings. If you remove the Guardian app from your Facebook settings, we will no longer have access to this information. If you log-in to our sites using a Google log-in, you grant permission to Google to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth, sex and location which we will then use to form a Guardian identity. You may use your picture from Google as part of your profile. This also allows us to share your networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Google account settings. If you remove the Guardian from your Google settings, we will no longer have access to this information. If you log-in to our sites using a twitter log-in, we receive your avatar (the small picture that appears next to your tweets) and twitter username.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.

Updating your personal information

We offer a ‘My details’ page (also known as Dashboard), where you can update your personal information at any time, and change your marketing preferences. You can get to this page from most pages on the site – simply click on the ‘My details’ link at the top of the screen when you are signed in.

Online Privacy Policy Only

This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.

Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.
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