Ideation To Investors to IPO: How Should You Plan Your SaaS Product?

Ideation To Investors to IPO: How Should You Plan Your SaaS Product?

A very important thing in SaaS marketing is retaining the customers and ensuring that they continue to subscribe your product and services. This alone can guarantee that the company’s annual recurring revenue (ARA) continues to grow. Retaining the SaaS customers in today’s fiercely competitive business environment is not easy and you must outsource customer service for great results. To know more about this and other issues, you should read 10 Great Customer Service Tips to Improve your Customer Satisfaction on KloudPortal, a leading digital agency that provides sales and marketing outsourcing services to SaaS companies.

Need for capital

Capital is a basic need for any business whether a startup or a big enterprise. It applies to SaaS products as well.
There are at least 2 counts on which money needs to be spent in ample measure: HR and SaaS Marketing. Software development is a labor- and skill-intensive business where qualified and experienced hands are needed and it cost top dollar to the company. Marketing is something that you can’t do without, more so for SaaS product marketing that faces some exceptional challenges.

Why you need a SaaS Product Marketing Agency?

When it comes to SaaS B2B marketing, it is not possible to work without a SaaS Product Marketing Agency. It is so because a SaaS company needs to grow rapidly and at a high rate to remain in the reckoning. As per a report, a SaaS company that grows at 20% per annum will most likely cease to exist in 5 years – such is the pace of innovation that the tough competition that follows. The average growth rate of successful SaaS companies in the first 5 years should be above 65%, says another report.
To achieve and sustain such a high rate of growth, companies need to spend vigorously on SaaS product marketing.
This brings us to our topic of the discussion – Ideation to Investors to IPO: How Should You Plan Your SaaS Product?

Need for SaaS product planning

A SaaS product must be comprehensively planned from budgeting to market research, product development, and introduction to the market.
We will explore different aspects of funding and SaaS product planning in some detail here:


The need for a strong funding support is paramount in SaaS marketing. Access to capital is a competitive area and not easy to come by. However, there is a proven roadmap that can help any enterprise in accessing capital.
Here is how a SaaS startup can raise funds to support its marketing, growth, and expansion plans:

Angel Investors:

This is also called seed funding and is the  earliest stage of funding for a startup. Here, a High Net-worth Individual (HNI) invests in a business idea more because he is convinced of the abilities of the entrepreneur rather than the SaaS business idea. However, given the high risk in such businesses, an angel investor may not exceed his exposure to startups beyond 10% of his investment portfolio.

More often than not, an angel investor may come from close family and friends. For a startup, it makes sense to work within its budget and this concept is called bootstrapping. It intends to stay clear of capital at high rates or on coercive terms.

Venture capital:

Once a SaaS startup finds its groove and is poised for steady long-term growth, it needs a fresh round of capital. At this stage, both HNIs and institutional investors such as investment banks may be interested in funding your business.

Series A, B, C…

After the business has been fairly successful, you need to work on the growth and expansion fronts. And at this stage, investors are interested in becoming part of your SaaS success story by bringing their capital and taking equities in your business. Series A, Series B, and Series C represent the stage of the business and why the funds are needed.

Series A investments are linked to the basic capital requirement in the initial stages of a startup and may still come from angel investors or capital firms.

Series B funding is likely to be used for expansion and improving the portfolio of products and services. Usually, venture capitalists bring in investments for this round.

Series C investment shows investors have confidence in the business and want to invest in its further growth and expansion.

Planning an IPO

When a SaaS startup has become successful and well-known in its niche and industry, it has capital requirements for various new projects including some strategic acquisitions. To fund these activities, the founders decide to go public and sell a percentage of the equity in the company to the public. The company needs to engage an underwriter or investment bank to take your IPO plan forward as it’s an exclusive area of domain experts.

SaaS product planning

Once the funding roadmap is clear, you can get back to your SaaS product and take a serious look if it needs any tweaking and adjustments as you ready to go to the market with it. Here is a checklist for SaaS product planning and development:

Faith and conviction in your SaaS business idea

Are you convinced and committed to your business idea? Most businesses fail for the lack of these two factors. Read about prominent SaaS products such as Salesforce, Oracle, Amazon, Google, and IBM for inspiration and course correction.

Product planning

Analyze the market in terms of customers, competitors, business model, and advantages your product enjoys on these counts. Develop a business plan about the pain point your product is going to solve, target audience, brand building, advertising, and funding.

Create your team

A SaaS company needs a team of expert IT and marketing professionals. In particular, you will need business analysts, software developers; designers; quality assurance engineers, and project managers.

Build an MVP

Coming up with a minimum viable product (MVP) and introducing it to the market is an important step. It not only gives you an early bird advantage but also helps you with feedback and course correction advantages.

Summing up

SaaS product planning and funding management are two key components that determine the success of  SaaS B2B marketing products. However, taking on board a  SaaS Product Marketing Agency can help the company overcome many of the hurdles on the way to success. If you are into the SaaS product business, you should read some of the blogs on Start-up Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid and  Things You Need To Know In Digital Marketing. You will find these blogs on KloudPortal, which is a top-ranking sales and marketing outsourcing service provider to SaaS companies.


About The Author…

Arun has been a print media journalist with wide-ranging experience. In search of solutions to everyday problems, he is drawn to technology and digital marketing. News and analytical insights fascinate him, and he passionately follows all that is new in the tech business. He writes for several news and content platforms. His areas of interest range from digital marketing to blockchain and digital currencies. He is dedicated, focused, and resourceful.

What is a Roadmap for SaaS Product Marketing?

What is a Roadmap for SaaS Product Marketing?

The launch of a SaaS product and the chaos that may follow may derail a marketing plan if it is not laid down in a document that holds priority. An important question here is when you should start SaaS product marketing. A well-strategized SaaS marketing roadmap will tell you that you should not delay it – a mistake that many SaaS companies make. SaaS marketing experts suggest that a SaaS product should be introduced in the market as early as it attains a Minimum Viable Product (MVA) status. Also, the latest SEO trends such as voice search, AI, UX, Video Marketing, and Local Search Optimization should not be ignored as you embark on an exciting journey of making a little-known SaaS product today to make it tomorrow’s market leader.

The story of all successful SaaS products sounds similar on this count! And they come from all possible business segments — marketing communication, payments systems, project management, and marketing automation to name a few.

A roadmap helps resource planning and budgeting in alignment with the business and marketing goals of an organization. SaaS products are intangible, consistently being updated, and pitched in a fiercely competitive marketing environment. Given this, a SaaS Product Marketing roadmap is an absolute need for SaaS companies and marketers to stay on the course.

Before we discuss a roadmap for SaaS product marketing, a clear understanding that much of , a clear understanding that much of  SaaS marketing takes place in the B2B marketing space will help us. Here are a few quick facts:

  • In 2020, the SaaS market was pegged at $157 billion and 80% of businesses were using at least one SaaS product
  • SaaS market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.22% between 2019 and 2023, adding $60 billion during the period
  • 73% of organizations report that all their apps and software requirements will be met by SaaS by 2021
  • 93% of CIOs report that their organizations are actively adopting cloud-based SaaS, with adoption varying from complete to under-consideration
  • From being standalone software, SaaS has grown to offer integrated platforms for mission-critical applications

SaaS Product Marketing Roadmap

Although as important as for any tech company, product marketing for SaaS is a little different concept. For other products, the marketing roadmap is pretty straight beginning with product launch and culminating with product positioning. A SaaS product marketing agency has a slightly different order of priority. Here, the product is at the heart of the marketing and it always remains there, thanks to the constant update that it goes through in its product life cycle.

Except for this, the basics don’t change much for SaaS product marketing. Some of the routine features include:

  • Defining Industry
  • Defining Target market
  • Creating Marketing model
  • Planning Proper Messaging
  • Market Positioning
  • Content and Channels

Business Model

Complexity and price play an important role in SaaS marketing. For example, a low price and high complexity product will not survive in the market. The right strategy would be:

  • Enterprise model for high complexity and high price products
  • Transactional Model for low complexity and high price products
  • Self-service model for low complexity and low price products

SaaS Product Marketing Strategy

A marketing roadmap should have a well-formulated strategy along the proven success path. For SaaS product, it goes something like this:

Creating Buyer Persona:

You can 2-3 target audiences as well as many buyer personas

Marketing Funnels:

From discovery to delight, the roadmap of the customer journey should be identified

Inbound Marketing Funnel:

Marketing automation tools can inform you where your leads are in their buying journey

Awareness and education

Specific to SaaS B2B marketing, creating awareness about the product and the pain point it aims to solve is very important. In this context, accurate and exhaustive information about the product and prioritizing data are necessary. This leads us to the most important part of the SaaS marketing roadmap: Content Marketing.

Content Marketing:

There can be many forms of content marketing:
Blogs, newsletters, ebooks, sales emails, videos and they can work much like sales funnels. The twist in the tale is: your content is the lead form rather than the impersonal lead form that you see on the sites.

Many SaaS brands have junked the idea of traditional lead forms for lead generation. Rather, they rely on their content to create leads through likes, shares, and referrals.

Why Content Marketing?

For SaaS product marketing, the use of meaningful and personalized content is also necessary for customer retention – an area of critical importance. Customer acquisition is a lengthy and expensive process while customer retention depends on the emotions and experiences created.

As SaaS has a subscription-based revenue model, its topline or ARR (Average Recurring Revenue) depends on the retention of subscribers. To this end, SaaS companies update their software pretty regularly in their bid to outsmart competitors and retain their subscribers.

Marketing automation

SaaS Product marketing involves the same set of marketing tools and techniques that any other online marketing plan might involve: SEO, PPC, SEM, Marketing Automation, and Content Marketing. All of these are geared up to Growth Hacking. The quick and high growth rate is critical to the survival of a new SaaS product on the market.

Scaling up marketing efforts calls for the use of marketing automation tools such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and automated email marketing. For a SaaS product, these become all the more critical, making it an essential tool for a SaaS product Marketing Agency.

Summing up

When it comes to using marketing automation tools for SaaS marketing, you can’t overlook OPAL CRM from Kloudportal, a digital marketing company providing marketing and sales outsourcing services to SaaS companies.In SaaS B2B Marketing, you can’t hire just any agency. The stakes are high as your product needs to capture the market quickly and decisively.

Failing to do so can mean the end of the road for a SaaS product. To know more about SaaS marketing, you should get in touch with Kloudportal and go through some of the blogs on its site.


About The Author…

Arun has been a print media journalist with wide-ranging experience. In search of solutions to everyday problems, he is drawn to technology and digital marketing. News and analytical insights fascinate him, and he passionately follows all that is new in the tech business. He writes for several news and content platforms. His areas of interest range from digital marketing to blockchain and digital currencies. He is dedicated, focused, and resourceful.

What Should You Consider When Hiring A SaaS Marketing Agency?

What Should You Consider When Hiring A SaaS Marketing Agency?

Most articles and blogs on SaaS marketing begin saying it’s difficult. There could be some substance as the statistics that they quote to buttress their claim is scary to say the least. Nine out of 10 SaaS products fail in the market. So, what are the chances of your product not only staying afloat but also making rapid strides on the market? Much of the processes remain the same for SaaS marketing as it is for product marketing. For example, leads need to be generated, nurtured, and converted into sales. Various online advertising methods such as SEM and PPC need to be used. Constant content marketing through educational and informative blogs need to be utilized for organic leads and brand enhancement. Perhaps, the difference lies in taking on board a marketing agency that has all the processes and systems in place to ensure a successful implementation of SaaS product marketing plan.

There are 3 things that make a SaaS marketing agency better than others:

  • Clear roadmap to success
  • System to repeat success
  • Consistency of success
How can a marketing agency ensure success on these 3 fronts? A SaaS marketing strategy can be a long-drawn-out process where the SaaS product marketing agency needs to go about systematically. Here are the steps that constitute a good SaaS marketing plan:
  • Defining and setting the goals
  • Preparing a marketing strategy
  • Setting KPIs and marketing metrics
  • SaaS Web designing and development
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Setting up internal marketing processes
  • Content marketing
  • Inbound vs. Outbound Focus
  • Marketing Personas
Like any other marketing plan, a SaaS marketing plan has to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Here are the top SaaS marketing agencies that can help you in your SaaS product marketing on a sure and confident footing.


Kloudportal is a SaaS digital marketing agency that provides cutting-edge tools and solutions to startups and established brands. It provides both Sales Services and Customer Services. Whether you want to drive sales or take better care of customer engagement, Kloudportal has you covered. Its services include planning, implementation, monitoring, and tracking of marketing solutions. The company has also developed a string of marketing software such as OPAL CRM that provides a whole host of automated services from lead capturing to automated emails, lead tracking and lead nurturing.


SEO Services, ORM Services, Content Writing Services, Social Media Services, and Staff Augmentation Services.

Some of its clients include:

  • Winfo Solutions
  • CoMakeIT
  • 5dataInc

Why choose Kloudportal?

  • Provides proper and accurate strategies
  • Ensures steady flow of qualified leads
  • Helps marketing teams achieve more sales


Even if you have an overly technical product, taking the help of Intruact is a good idea. It offers both sales and consultancy services for SaaS product marketing. Whether you want to retain customers or increase revenue, Intruact has a track record of implementing complex SaaS marketing plans successfully. Intruact can help with whatever it takes to make your SaaS marketing journey an unstoppable force. Whether it’s B2B marketing or B2B consultancy, you can rely on Intruact for planning and executing an efficient SaaS marketing plan.


Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Growth Hacking, Web Design & Development.

Some of its clients include:

  • Hellopeter
  • Inner Trends
  • Keen Embedded Analytics
  • Hubspot

Why Choose Intruact?

  • B2B SaaS Marketing
  • B2B SaaS Consultancy

Single Grain

As a SaaS product marketing agency, Single Grain has been associated with marketing campaigns of some of the SaaS products that later became market leaders in their niche. It has been particularly more successful in B2B marketing because of the innovative ideas it brings to the table. Single Grain helps you achieve more from your marketing efforts. It is well clued in with the marketing trends making your SaaS marketing campaign to benefit from what’s going on in the market. Its approach is to provide you value-added services rather than hard selling.


SaaS Marketing, Content Marketing, E-commerce Marketing, Technology Marketing.

Some of its clients include:

  • Airbnb
  • Amazon
  • Intuit
  • SEMrush

Why Choose Single Grain?

  • Digital Ad Agency
  • Marketing software
  • Marketing Training


Voxturr is a full-service SaaS product marketing agency that brings proven growth marketing capabilities to the table. It promises quick and sustained growth for your SaaS products. Voxturr provides tailor-made solutions for whatever challenge you are facing. The company’s approach is distinctly data-driven and agile marketing. So, you are neither in the dark nor in hibernation. Voxturr’s content marketing campaigns are innovative and creative. All these strengths lead to unbeatable growth marketing capabilities. It has a strong team of domain experts and the work environment is as spirited as you would expect in a startup that has tasted success is raring to go.


Webinar Marketing, Pre Launch Marketing, Marketing Automation, B2B Marketing.

Some of its clients include:

  • AskMe
  • Workly
  • Sodexo
  • Tata

Why choose Voxturr?

  • Growth Hacking
  • Agile Approach
  • Organic Results


A B2B marketing company, Kalungi has a proven track record of helping SaaS products break into the next stage of growth and revenue generation. It has helped many SaaS marketing campaigns with T2D3 campaigns. Kalungi offers a complete recipe for success from defining your brand to bringing the product to the market. Its marketing resources are impressive in terms of size and expertise. Kalunggi’s marketing strategies include building a strong foundation from where subsequent campaigns can be launched. The company also offers learning opportunities in the realm of SaaS marketing through Growth Series, Webinars, Podcast, and Videos. Its services are themed around coach, start, scale, and profit strategies.


Growth Marketing, Content Marketing, Web Design and Development.

Some of its clients include:

  • Acumatica
  • Beezy
  • Atera
  • BPLogix

Why choose Kalungi?

  • Audit of SaaS marketing plans
  • SaaS marketing playbook
  • Atlas HubSpot Theme

Summing up

Software as a service (SaaS) brings immense benefits to the users. But before they become successful and known, studies reveal that there are more chances of failure than success. And, it’s all because of the success or failure of SaaS marketing campaigns. Given this, a SaaS company must hire a capable SaaS product marketing agency. For example, Kloudportal is a digital marketing company that offers unbeatable SaaS marketing and sales outsourcing services. It has been immensely successful in some markets including India.


About The Author…

Arun has been a print media journalist with wide-ranging experience. In search of solutions to everyday problems, he is drawn to technology and digital marketing. News and analytical insights fascinate him, and he passionately follows all that is new in the tech business. He writes for several news and content platforms. His areas of interest range from digital marketing to blockchain and digital currencies. He is dedicated, focused, and resourceful.

Why SaaS Marketing should be Different from other Types of Marketing?

Why SaaS Marketing should be Different from other Types of Marketing?

It’s often said that SaaS product marketing is difficult. Is it?

There is no doubt that it’s different from any other type of marketing. It is because in the case of SaaS, you may have a great product but you can’t show it to the customers. Why it is so?+ They don’t get an idea of all the features of a SaaS product just by looking at a few advertisements on the internet.

A visit to the site of any successful SaaS product such as Hubspot and Zoho would confirm that the company has taken a great deal of effort to explain the product on the site itself. The only way to do so is through online content.

To know how to market SaaS products with great results, we need to understand SaaS and the difficulties in its marketing.

What is SaaS?

In the course of a normal day at work, we use many software products that are available online. For example, we use Grammarly to check the correctness of the language in a copy, Copyscape to identify copied or plagiarized text, and Bitly to shorten unwieldy long URLs.

We never have these platforms on our computers as we have MS Office or CorelDraw. And, to use these platforms you pay a subscription fee rather than a one-time cost of the product.

Businesses use many software applications on the internet whenever they need to use them. For example, Freshbooks is popular accounting software while Zoho offers similar features with options to customize it to Indian GST requirements. In the marketing automation space, Salesforce and Hubspot are among the most popular SaaS products.

How SaaS is different from regular software?


Why SaaS Marketing should be Different from other Types of Marketing?

SaaS products are different from regular software because of their ability to implement instant upgrades and customization, which is a growing need of businesses in today’s high-paced and intensely competitive business environment. These software products are hosted on the service providers’ servers on the cloud. It spares the customers all the hassles involved in buying and installing the software on their systems. Typically, SaaS products are available for a subscription rather than a one-off sale. These factors make them more robust and versatile.

Trends in SaaS Product Marketing

As per a survey, 38% of small and medium business (SMB) organizations are running entirely on SaaS, the market is still witnessing new and more promising products.

For example, Kloudportal provides SaaS marketing services and offers a suite of SaaS products that cover many functional areas of a business:

EazeKart: Reads barcodes and QR codes and can be integrated into both offline and online stores.

OpalCRM: Offers marketing automation solutions such as lead capturing.

Simple Exam: Provides educators and education businesses customizable software to organize exams online.

Mobilearn: Provides a complete ecosystem for a coaching business.

MobiQuiz: This allows you to engage your customers and audiences quizzes.

Why SaaS marketing is different and difficult?

We have discussed in brief how SaaS marketing is difficult. It is because we have a product to sell that we can’t show physically. Whether it’s B2B marketing or B2C marketing, SaaS is a different ball game altogether. But is it difficult, too? We at Kloudportal, a SaaS Product Marketing Agency, don’t subscribe to the idea that SaaS Product Marketing is difficult.

Yes, it’s different from product marketing, for instance.

That said, any type of marketing requires calibrated strategies and consistent efforts. If we use the same approach to SaaS marketing with necessary changes in content and delivery, SaaS marketing can also be successful.

Difficulties with SaaS Marketing


Why SaaS Marketing should be Different from other Types of Marketing?

Lack of physical features

We have talked about this earlier in the post. Now, we would explore how the lack of physical features can be overcome.

One of the most effective ways of making SaaS products known and popular among the target audience is by talking about its features and use cases through content – blogs, guest posts, articles, social media posts, and videos.

When you visit a successful SaaS product site, one thing that strikes you most and leaves you impressed, if not awe-inspired, is the quality and quantity of the content — the explainer type.

That’s the way forward!

A case for compelling and engaging content

Explain your SaaS products in the context of the overall industry and level of awareness about them. A SaaS product may be ahead of its time. Its story and future need to be told amply for the people to grasp its use cases and potentials.

Talk in detail and in an engaging manner how your SaaS product offers effective solutions to a major problem such as scalability constraints faced by businesses. Educating the customers is vital to make them take an informed and confident decision.

Retaining the customer rather than the acquisition of a new customer is always less expensive and more rewarding, more so in B2B marketing. Ensuring that your SaaS customers don’t migrate to your competition’s platform, you should keep them engaged and informed to stay ahead of the curve that your competition might be trying to scare them with.

So, content is the most potent weapon in the armory of a SaaS Product Marketing Agency.

Difficulty with free trials

A key marketing strategy is to let the customers have some real ideas about your product – how it feels, how it works, and how it solves the problems. You can use this strategy and give your customers an opportunity to try out your SaaS product before they subscribe to it.

Different companies offer different plans. Some may offer a free-of-cost basic version such as Grammarly’s basic plan in contrast to paid Premium and Business plans.

Many SaaS companies offer their services free for a limited period of time ranging from a week to a month. But, none would give access to their premium services as part of the free trial.

That’s where the difficulty with SaaS marketing surfaces. There is practically no way a SaaS Product Marketing Agency can let the customers have complete knowledge and feel about the product until they subscribe to it.

Well, this challenge once again highlights the importance of content that is compelling in terms of information and engaging in terms of delivery.

So, more content, please!

Long sales cycle

B2B marketing is a long-drawn process that can easily stretch up to a year for a single deal to come through. In a SaaS product’s life cycle, it’s a considerably long time for the product to remain as it was at the beginning of the sales cycle. Typically, a SaaS product would witness frequent upgrades to meet new challenges and competition. A SaaS product marketing strategy has to aim at swift results and to that end, it has to be different. This is the ultimate challenge in SaaS marketing.

However, a SaaS Product Marketing Agency such as Kloudportal is cut out for this type of challenge. It has a precise and proven roadmap that can deal with all possible hurdles in SaaS product marketing effectively.

Summing Up

Software as a Service is a rapidly growing technology that helps businesses with cutting-edge solutions without making them deal with logistical issues. SaaS products are available for subscription, meaning customers don’t need to commit for life by paying a hefty price to buy them. However, SaaS marketing may not appear as easy as other types of marketing. It has to focus more on educating the customers than selling the products.

But as sales are important, SaaS marketers have to work on multiple fronts and aim for quick results. Given this, a SaaS company must enlist the help of a SaaS Product Marketing Agency that has the capability to meet the challenge and deliver on the promises.

You must choose your SaaS agency with due care and planning!


About The Author…

Arun has been a print media journalist with wide-ranging experience. In search of solutions to everyday problems, he is drawn to technology and digital marketing. News and analytical insights fascinate him, and he passionately follows all that is new in the tech business. He writes for several news and content platforms. His areas of interest range from digital marketing to blockchain and digital currencies. He is dedicated, focused, and resourceful.

What is SaaS Product Marketing | SaaS Product Roadmap

What is SaaS Product Marketing | SaaS Product Roadmap

I am always fascinated by SaaS products. Every product that is designed, developed and released solves a market problem. Closely monitored and carefully designed, most of the SaaS products, I feel, add a lot of value to its users. But I always wondered why we only see less than 1% of the SaaS products succeeding? Why do the SaaS products lose their shine? One key aspect that we found was the gap in marketing and sales. In this article, we highlight the core marketing steps for every SaaS product to succeed

Many entrepreneurs dream of building their SaaS products and in helping the market with their solutions. The beauty of every SaaS product is there is a passion to solve a problem that can affect millions of lives. Facebook, Twitter, Salesforce, Zoho, all are SaaS products that have identified certain gaps in the market and have developed appropriate solutions to fill the gaps or solve a problem.

Then you may be wondering, when so many SaaS product companies exist, why only a handful of them reach the market potential? What do they do differently, than other SaaS product companies that reach a success criterion and capture a large market share?

What is SaaS Product Marketing?

SaaS Product Marketing is the process of creating market awareness about a problem and how your product can solve it. The objective of SaaS product marketing is not always focused on increasing the number of subscriptions alone but also creating awareness in the market about a possible problem this product can solve.

Marketing Vs Sales.

Many Product owners are often confused between Marketing material and Sales Material. While marketing material is more focused on “What” of a problem statement, Sales collateral focuses on “How” of a problem statement.

Most of the SaaS marketing collateral focusses on helping customers understand the features of a product. While we advise you to focus on “What” of the problem statement in your marketing collateral. What problem you saw in the market and a high level picture of how your product solves that problem.

A detailed walkthrough of your solution should be the part of your Sales pitch and your product demos.

Identify Target Market

Identifying your marketing channels plays a major role in strategizing your marketing plan. Geographics, Demographics and Psychographics of your Target audience segment plays a significant role in successful execution.

Identify your Market.

TAM – Target achievable Market,
SAM – Serviceable Available Market and
SOM – Serviceable Obtainable Market.
The goal of SaaS Product Marketing is to effectively reach your SOM.

Eg., Say you have developed a SaaS product that is a Management Software. Typically, your feature list includes Admin Panel, Workflow Management, Calendar, Task Management, Integration plugins (Eg., Shopify & Magento), E-commerce Modules etc.,

TAM – All the organizations/companies across the World who use Software in their organizations.
SAM – All the organizations/companies that sell their products online are your SAM
SOM – All organizations/companies/small businesses that are using Shopify or Magento as their e-commerce platform.
Typically your SOM is 6 percent of your SAM market.
The above metrics is not only important for a marketing plan, but is also the most demanded one to be included in your business plans, if you are going for investments.

How is SaaS Product Marketing different from Traditional Services marketing?

Marketing efforts vary based on the type of product, service and market segments we try to reach. For example a Consumer based SaaS product like Uber App has a different set of audience, different demographics and Psychographics, where as a SaaS product like Salesforce has a different objective focussed on the B2B segment.

The difference between SaaS Product Marketing and Traditional services marketing is huge and they are two different segments which have to be looked up independently. There are several factors based on which a strategy is designed. For Eg., Target Market, Demographics, Culture, Psychographics etc., play a significant role.

When should SaaS Product Marketing Start?

Many SaaS product owners are quite confused on when their marketing campaign should start. Often most of the SaaS Product owners engage the marketing team at a much later stage, and often don’t see the results quickly.

The best time to start your SaaS Product marketing is when you are half way through your MVP 0. When the marketing team starts working with you, you have to have few things already in place – Your Competitors list, Your Target Market/audience defined and most importantly your digital presence which includes a basic website, Social media channels etc.,

SaaS Marketing RoadmapThough SaaS product development itself is less than two decades old, our fascination to study the SaaS Product roadmap has never ended. We keep updating ourselves with latest techniques, market shifts and marketing tools to take SaaS products in to the market. Stay tuned to this space, as we will be coming up with more articles on SaaS Product Marketing. If you want to explore more about SEO techniques please checkout our recent blogs around it. Want to know about Instagram hacks, we have an article for you too.

Top 5 winning digital marketing strategies for SAAS companies to grow rapidly in 2021

Top 5 winning digital marketing strategies for SAAS companies to grow rapidly in 2021

In the current competitive market, trying to market SaaS products that don’t have a physical form on display is more challenging compared to marketing for traditional companies. That is where digital marketing strategies for SaaS companies come into the picture because it is a rapidly growing industry. In this guide, we will share with you the five effective SaaS growth strategies to target in 2021 that will get you started on the path to acquiring customers.

SaaS or Software as a service is a software distribution model wherein companies host applications for the customers to subscribe to their services. A few of the prominent SaaS companies include G Suite, Salesforce, HubSpot, Netflix, and Dropbox, etc. As a SaaS marketer, you have to follow a completely different model. You need to adapt to different digital marketing strategies for lead generation and convert the leads to potential customers.

Digital marketing refers to all forms of online marketing methods that take place across a variety of digital channels, such as SEO, content marketing, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, and blogging. Etc. Below are the five top SaaS marketing trends to focus on.

Winning Strategies for Saas Companies

#1. Leads generation with SEO

Search engine optimization is an effective process to optimize content and generate leads for your business. Digital presence serves as a prime factor in brand building and SEO helps in increasing your website’s rankings and visibility to get onto the top of Google search results. Optimize your website or blog with high-value keywords, quality content and implement effective factors like backlinks, external or internal links, rich user experience to improve your SEO rankings. This serves in bringing more visitors that means more qualified leads and conversion rate.

#2. Remarketing with social ads

In digital marketing, remarketing campaigns are an essential strategy for converting visitors on your website to customers. It is following people around the web by serving ads to the visitors on your website or blogs on the platforms they use most, like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Set up tagging on the audience across your site and start accumulating cookies – this will help you to show ads to those visitors.

#3. Attract customers with free trials

Everyone wants something free and SaaS companies are in a perfect position to offer free trials to customers, which can lead to an increase in new customers and recurring revenue. It also provides an opportunity to show off your customer service and support to targeted customers. Thus helping in getting more conversions with no additional effort. The end of the free trial period also offers you valuable feedback for your product.

#4. Advertising with PPC campaigns

PPC, also known as Pay-per-click or paid search, is an effective digital marketing tactic in terms of ROI (Return on investment). It is a paid form of digital advertising where you run advertisements and pay a fee for every user who clicks on your advertisement. The most common PPC platforms are Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads. The key to success with PPC is to know the search intent of your target buyers and drive enough clicks through to your website, landing page, or messenger box to turn users into customers.

#5. Referral marketing with rewards

Referral marketing is one of the effective SaaS marketing strategies for lead generation. When you tell customers how great your product is, they may not believe it, but when a friend or colleague speaks up about how great your product is, they trust what they hear. Making your happy customers recommend your product is all you need to do in referral marketing. To make referral programs come into action, you need to offer attractive rewards to customer referrals.


In 2021, without a strong online presence, you are likely to lose tons of potential customers. To sustain your business from a competitive edge, you need holistic digital marketing to set up a secure business position in the marketplace. However, marketing trends keep changing from time to time. So come up with a mix of these above strategies and always prevail with the user’s preferences, as it can be a game-changer.



About The Author…

Durga has a master’s degree in engineering. Technological advances in digital space interest her a lot. Digital marketing is her forte and she passionately follows latest trends in the digital marketing space. She has written many trending articles on various social media platforms. Her areas of interest include SEO Optimization, structured data, SMM, Keywords research and analysis etc. She is focused, resourceful and dedicated.

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The minimum information we need to register you is your name, email address and a password. We will ask you more questions for different services, including sales promotions. Unless we say otherwise, you have to answer all the registration questions. We may also ask some other, voluntary questions during registration for certain services (for example, professional networks) so we can gain a clearer understanding of who you are. This also allows us to personalise services for you. To assist us in our marketing, in addition to the data that you provide to us if you register, we may also obtain data from trusted third parties to help us understand what you might be interested in. This ‘profiling’ information is produced from a variety of sources, including publicly available data (such as the electoral roll) or from sources such as surveys and polls where you have given your permission for your data to be shared. You can choose not to have such data shared with the Guardian from these sources by logging into your account and changing the settings in the privacy section. After you have registered, and with your permission, we may send you emails we think may interest you. Newsletters may be personalised based on what you have been reading on At any time you can decide not to receive these emails and will be able to ‘unsubscribe’. Logging in using social networking credentials If you log-in to our sites using a Facebook log-in, you are granting permission to Facebook to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth and location which will then be used to form a Guardian identity. You can also use your picture from Facebook as part of your profile. This will also allow us and Facebook to share your, networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Facebook account settings. If you remove the Guardian app from your Facebook settings, we will no longer have access to this information. If you log-in to our sites using a Google log-in, you grant permission to Google to share your user details with us. This will include your name, email address, date of birth, sex and location which we will then use to form a Guardian identity. You may use your picture from Google as part of your profile. This also allows us to share your networks, user ID and any other information you choose to share according to your Google account settings. If you remove the Guardian from your Google settings, we will no longer have access to this information. If you log-in to our sites using a twitter log-in, we receive your avatar (the small picture that appears next to your tweets) and twitter username.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We are in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), we do not collect any information from anyone under 13 years of age. Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older.

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We offer a ‘My details’ page (also known as Dashboard), where you can update your personal information at any time, and change your marketing preferences. You can get to this page from most pages on the site – simply click on the ‘My details’ link at the top of the screen when you are signed in.

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